Study and Implementation of the Drive for Dynamic Wire Feeding System for Arc Welding Processes

:: Artigo completo

Modern versions of GMAW and GTAW welding processes have presented solutions using the forward and reverse movement of the wire to obtain different welding results. The obstacle associated with this movement, here called dynamic wire feed, mainly arises in the case of GMAW welding, which is required to use frequencies compatible with a shortcircuiting transfer. As a tool to assess the real influence of the dynamic movement of the wire on the weld results, this work has the main objective to present the study and implementation of a wire feed system that allows performing welding tests using this philosophy. Some types of drive systems were surveyed, assembling a prototype based on a high dynamic servomotor. With the implementation of logic control integrated with the welding source, it was possible to make deposits with good visual appearance and good stability in the metal transfer.

SILVA, R. H. G.; MARQUES, C.; RODRIGUES, A. G. et al. Study and Implementation of the Drive for Dynamic Wire Feeding System for Arc Welding Processes. JOM-19: 19th International Conference on Joining Materials – 2017. Helsingør, Dinamarca